About Walk the Talk America

Walk the Talk America is a non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to bridging the gap between mental health and responsible gun ownership. Our mission is to enhance the perception of mental health among gun owners while elevating the standard of mental health care within this community. Walk the Talk America is uniquely positioned as an organization that integrates the wisdom of gun-owning mental health professionals, offering innovative solutions derived from real-world experiences.

How are we doing this?

Walk the Talk America is rooted in educating the various sides of guns and mental health. Below is a list of some of our most impactful efforts:
  • We are training mental health professionals to be a better resource for gun owners with our cultural competence classes.
  • We provide a video resource for firearm trainers. Some states now require them to include one hour of mental health training with CCW courses.
  • We provide free resources with links to free and anonymous mental health screenings for gun manufacturers, distributors, and ranges to distribute to customers.
  • We host a weekly podcast that touches on various topics and interviews guests about their real world experiences.
  • We promote storing firearms responsibly and suggest gun owners to #CauseAPause to help prevent negative outcomes with firearms.
  • We consult with groups on alternatives to restricting legislation, like making responsible storage more affordable, tax breaks for gun shops that offer temporary storage options, and other potential options that give gun owners more options instead of restricting their Second Amendment rights.
  • Kids to Kings is a WTTA program focused on being a positive influence and bringing newly found information to young men from underserved and underprivileged communities at an early age, preventing them from developing unhealthy and damaging “survival mode” coping skills.
Help us make a difference
Who’s Involved
Why WTTA Was Founded
Why We Don’t Support Red Flag Laws